

IPL services located in Englewood, Colorado


The sun’s toll on your skin begins to show with age, resulting in brown spots, uneven skin tone and texture, and redness. With intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments at Colorado Skin Care in Englewood, Colorado, board-certified dermatologist Kimberly Stone, MD, Amy Huber, PA-C, and the team can erase the signs of sun damage and give you the radiant skin you deserve. Call or schedule an appointment online today to learn more.

What is IPL therapy?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy uses multiple wavelengths of light to target and break up pigment in the skin. At the same time, IPL stimulates new collagen and elastin production, which promotes tighter, firmer, more youthful skin. This comprehensive rejuvenation treatment strengthens your skin’s elasticity and encourages a smoother, more even-toned appearance.

How is IPL different from laser therapy?

IPL uses a broad spectrum of intense pulsed light to target various skin concerns, while laser therapy utilizes a single wavelength of focused light for more specific and targeted treatments. Many people choose IPL for its versatility and ability to treat many skin concerns at once, including:

  • Sun damage
  • Brown spots
  • Uneven skin tone or texture
  • Redness
  • Rosacea
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Freckles
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Enlarged pores
  • Hair removal (unwanted hair)
  • Vascular lesions

With IPL, you can enjoy complete skin rejuvenation and a shorter recovery time than more focused laser treatments.

Do I need to prepare for IPL therapy?

The Colorado Skin Care team may recommend a few essential tips to prepare for IPL treatment, including:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for four to six weeks before treatment
  • Use high-SPF sunscreen regularly in the treatment area
  • Refrain from using retinoids, glycolic acid, and exfoliating products for a week prior
  • Discontinue self-tanning products at least two weeks before 
  • Inform your provider of any changes in health or medications
  • Avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements before treatment

Your provider may offer additional guidance based on your medical history, skin type, and specific needs.

What can I expect from IPL?

An IPL treatment typically lasts 15-45 minutes, depending on the size of the treated area and the specific skin concern. 

During the procedure, you may experience a mild snapping or stinging sensation with each pulse of intense pulsed light. This sensation is usually tolerable and brief, akin to the feeling of a rubber band snapping against the skin. 

When will I see the results after IPL therapy?

You may see noticeable skin tone and texture improvements within a few weeks of your first IPL session. Most people need at least three to six treatments, spread two to four weeks apart, to see long-lasting improvements.

Call Colorado Skin Care today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about IPL therapy’s benefits.